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EAW Microwedge

Lagt inn: 17 sep 2007, 21:12
av olegutten
Som flere her får jeg Pro Sound News. I dagens utgave sto det at EAW skal produsere Microwedge fra nå av. Det skal lanseres nye modeller. Dave Rat sa at Radian sikkert kommer til å lage en "tilsvarende" monitor men at Rat sound har kopi beskyttet micro wedge designet så radian ikke kunne lage en lik monitor.......

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Re: EAW Microwedge

Lagt inn: 18 sep 2007, 08:19
av Helge A. Bentsen
Radian fortsetter å produsere den originale MW med en liten endring i designet og under et annet navn. Ellers så sier vel denne det meste.
September 2007, Oxnard, CA: Rat Sound Systems Inc is pleased to announce that it has awarded the licensing of the MicroWedge series of monitors and its family of products to EAW who will be the new, sole manufacturer and distributor of the MicroWedge.

The license agreement between the two entities calls for current products to be branded “EAW MicroWedge,” and will be fully supported by the resources of EAW. Furthermore, Rat Sound Founder Dave “Rat” Levine, creator of MicroWedge and president of Rat Sound Systems Inc, will be working closely with the EAW Engineering Department on the development of new MicroWedge models as well as other EAW touring products.

Both Rat Sound Systems Inc and Radian Audio will continue to support the existing MicroWedges already in the field. The new extended fidelity, higher power, lighter weight EAW MicroWedge will have the same external dimensions as the previous design enabling both to be used on the same stage and in the same road cases. Additionally, Dave Rat is working on an upgrade that allows older MicroWedges to be brought up to the new specifications.

MicroWedge is noted as the choice of hundreds of discerning performers and has earned widespread touring rider acceptance. The highly respected product line has been cultivated over Dave Rat’s decades of audio industry experience, a process enhanced through his work both as longtime front of house engineer for the Red Hot Chili Peppers and through his work as president of Rat Sound Systems, a leading concert touring company noted for its work with both U.S. and worldwide top name acts.

“As a system designer, sound engineer and president of a sound rental company, I have considerable exposure to the needs of the artists, audio engineers, sound vendors and the realities of design challenges. I feel like I am the connection between what the artist/engineers seek and the technical engineers,” notes Dave Rat. “I speak both languages and am comfortable moving in the worlds of both design/development and usage/execution. That is one of the key things I hope to bring to the table for EAW and for our future product development relationship.”

Rat Sound is excited about the new partnership with EAW and is looking forward to additional MicroWedge products coming to the market which will expand the existing line.